Master Class LiquiBand Fix8

Axion Health is pleased to announce that another successful Master Class, regarding the use of the atraumatic mesh fixation device LiquiBand FIX8 Lap, was held in Greece, in collaboration with Advanced Medical Solutions.

The Master Class was held at the European Interbalkan Medical Center in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 24th of March 2023, with invited surgeons from all over Greece.

Many thanks to our trainer surgeon Prof. Dr.  Grigoris P. Chatzimavroudis, his entire surgical team for the successful live surgeries and interesting lectures, to our guests surgeons who honored us with their participation and of course many thanks to our valued business partner  Advanced Medical Solutions! Online Workshop powered by DynaMesh

Thursday 28.04.2022 at 10:00 a.m.

Laparoscopic Pectopexy – (Laparoscopic Cervical-Uterine Reconstruction).

Live Surgery with open discussion, live participation with comments, questions and answers.

Axion Health is pleased to announce its active support for the Online Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Training Workshop, which will take place at the Rheinland Klinikum Dormagen Clinic in Germany, in Greek by Dr. D. Panagiotopoulos, MD, PhD Obstetrician – Gynecological Surgeon – MIC III – Senior Laparoscopic Surgeon.

The Online Workshop will be broadcast live at the N. Louros Conference Center, of MITERA hospital.

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